Event Marketing and Being Persistent with Email
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The Experience Must EXCEED that of Your Event Marketing

Event_marketing_value Today I’m going to rant a little on the importance of delivering an extraordinary experience at your event. When it comes to event marketing, there seems to be a gap between advertising promises and attendee expectations. The end result is event attendees who open their wallets, spend their hard earned money, and leave an event disappointed. Yes, I’m a big proponent of using hype and persuasion (ethically) in the marketing of your event.  But you can’t over promise and under deliver.

Before you send out your next advertising campaign, do an objective review of your event marketing . . .

Your Event Advertising and Promotions
Is your event marketing overpromising on the experience your event can actually deliver? Spend some time thinking through the previous question. Look at your advertising and event from an attendee's perspective . . .  If someone were to read your advertising and attend your event – are you going to be able to deliver on all your advertising promises?

If not, or even maybe not, take those points out of your advertising. I’ve seen first hand the problems associated with promising too much in event advertising. It isn’t pretty and is quickly followed by a slew of refund requests.

Using Jedi Mind Tricks (Responsibly)
Another avenue event promoters go down is using psychological persuasion into their event marketing . . .  Think advance Jedi persuasion skills (I’m not kidding!) If you haven’t already, read Dr. Robert Cialdini’s book “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion.” In the book Cialdini outlines his six “Weapons of Influence.” One of Cialdini's weapons of influence is scarcity. Using scarcity is a surefire way to get people buying event tickets in advance. As tickets are sold, you update the number of remaining tickets on your web site. As the available ticket supply counts down, ticket demand goes up. Unfortunately, some event organizers see fit to abuse scarcity.

Last year, a local event sold out their entire block of VIP tickets. In an effort to generate more revenue, the event organizer opened a new block of VIP tickets. Word got out about “previously SOLD OUT tickets” being on sale. That aggravated lot of people who already purchased tickets. You shouldn't tell people tickets are sold out and then put them back on sale again. Next time, people are going to be skeptical about buying tickets.

Like Peter Parker’s Uncle Ben said “With great power there must also come — great responsibility!” (Spiderman 1962). The value your event delivers to attendees must FAR EXCEED the hype used in your event marketing. This mindset is critical if you have a recurring event. People are going to come back to an event if they feel scammed. When you boil it down, it's pretty simple. Don't claim something in your advertising that your event can't deliver.

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