The Advertising of Your Event
Contrary to popular belief, print advertising fundamentals are still extremely relevant for promoting your event. The fundamentals of effective advertising can be applied beyond just newspapers and magazines. If you can create an effective print ad, you can do the same for almost any form of online advertising. The same principles for effective advertising apply to video and audio. Unfortunately too many organizations seem to be more concerned with creating works of art instead of advertising that gets people to take action. You can’t afford to have ineffective ads when advertising for your event.
"The King of Madison Avenue"
David Ogilvy is one of my favorite sources for advertising fundamentals. He’s considered by many a “patron saint” in the advertising industry. Ironically some of the same people who revere Ogilvy are also the first to abandon his tenants. Ogilvy believed that the purpose of advertising was to sell, not to entertain. Don’t try to make your advertising look like a work art! Think in terms of good design (not art) and persuasive copy. Focus on creating advertising for your event that gets people to take action.
Below are a series of articles outlining several of David Ogilvy’s concepts and suggestions for writing effective advertising. If you follow his tenants you have a good chance at creating advertising that gets people to your event.
- David Ogilvy on Direct Response Marketing
- Measuring Advertising Effectiveness
- Advertising and Marketing that Sells
- Providing Massive Value in Your Marketing and Advertising
Want to get more great info? Check out the articles below:
- Turn Your Event Into an Experience
- How to Get Them To Your Event
- Why Well Planned Events Fail
- Getting Them to Buy Tickets Early
- Leveraging Your Sponsor's Digital Resources
- The Event Promotion System
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