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Get Great Ideas from an Event Marketing Field Trip

How much time do you spend looking to other events or industries for marketing ideas? Borrowing ideas from other events and industries is one of the quickest ways to add dollar signs to your bottom line.



If you don’t spend much time looking outside your own event looking for marketing ideas, you need to start today.

Get Over It . . .

One large (self-imposed) roadblock that most people have to overcome is the “that won’t work for me” mindset.  How many times have you heard business people lament the “that won’t work, my business is different” line? Too many event planners and organizers fall into that same trap.  It’s like a broken record . . . “That won’t work because my event is different.” That’s a bunch of B.S.!

Proven marketing ideas can be adapted and modified from one industry to another. In some cases adopting ideas can be unbelievably simple. 

60 Seconds for a $500,000.00+ Idea
Over the last three weeks I’ve attended the Rochester International Jazz Festival, Red Bull Air Race Championships (Windsor/Detroit), and two ethnic festivals (Ukrainian and Turkish). There were tons of great ideas floating around. One simple strategy I picked up put $500,000.00+ into an event organizers bank account,  months before a single person showed up to their event. Discovering the $500K+ strategy took all of sixty seconds with a few quick questions to the right person.  There is no reason why you can’t do the same.

Go Fish for Ideas
Make it a point to venture out and attend other events in and around your area.  Competing or complementary events to your own make for the best field trips. When at other events be on the lookout for things that you might be able to integrate into your own event.  The most observant you are, the more you’ll be able to take away. Find out who’s in charge of then event . . . are they on site? Most important - Don’t be afraid to ask smart questions!

Don’t be afraid to ask organizers questions. Keep it short and sweet.  Always remember to use a little couth . . . if an organizer is crazy busy at their event, you might need to follow up afterward. Follow up with them a week or so after their event. It's important to remember that you don't always need to speak to the actual organizer to get good information or ideas.

Validate the Information
One important point to remember . . . you’re going to need to do your homework and dig into details. It isn’t wise to take everything at face value. If something sounds too good to be true, do a little research to validate an idea or strategy.  Why should you do this? Even event organizers have egos that need to be stroked. As a result, they might exaggerate their numbers or certain claims. You don't want to integrate an event or strategy into your own event that has been proven to work.
Next time you go out to another event, bring your thinking cap, a small notebook (plus pen) and an insatiable curiosity.  Look for things that you can integrate and ethically borrow. Never dismiss another event's promotion idea(s) as irrelevant or stupid until you’ve dug into the details.

Want to get more great info? Check out the articles below:



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