Outdoor Event Advertising and Marketing
Event Marketing: Overwhelming Your Target Market

Turn Your Event Into an Experience

Last month I was fortunate enough to participate in the Red Bull Air Race that was held in Detroit, Michigan. There is something about high performance airplanes flying a dizzying course dangerously close to the ground that makes your heart skip a few beats. The people in attendance were awe struck as the first air plane entered the course. I witnessed one gentleman at the event who was so impressed he let out a series of explicit words to verbalize his amazement. Red Bull has gone beyond just creating an event, they have created an experience.

The Red Bull Experience

Create an Experience

Events come and go, but an “experience” can last a lifetime. If you have an event, consider ways to turn it into an unforgettable experience. You can also use the experience mindset and apply it to all your event marketing. I don’t believe anyone should over hype their event through marketing or advertising and then under deliver on value. Yet, if you can over deliver on value and exceed your potential customer’s expectations you owe it them to hype accordingly. Over the years I’ve seen great events lose big money because they weren’t marketed very well. 

Marketing the Experience

Creating an experience also helps tremendously when it comes to your event marketing. Over the last few weeks I’ve been conducting research on P.T. Barnum. I would encourage anyone interested in event marketing spend some time reading up on Barnum. He was one of the greatest event marketers on the planet during his time. His marketing exploits were conducted in a time of no radio, television, or Internet. He was able to create an unbelievable experience for his customers. He had a strong belief in always delivering value to the customer. Next time you have an event, try integrating some of Barnum’s magic into your event.

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Eugene Loj


Thanks for the comment!

It's hard to go wrong with Barnum's ideologies. Be sure to check out Joe Vitale's "There's a Customer Born Every Minute" book. It's a great compendium of Barnum's powerful ideas.

All the Best,

- Eugene


Wow, your information has truly helped me as a business student. We have been given a "start your own business venture" assignment to do in a group of 5, and we have decided to go with an events planning company. We hope to make a success of it. I will definitely be reading up and using Barnum's thinking and ideas.
Thanks so much!

Eugene Loj


You're welcome! Let me know how things turn out.

- Eugene


Thank you so much for all the information you have given me, I truly appreciate it.


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