In the Name of Backyard Adventure
Every once in a while it's good to get off topic. While down in Florida, I try to make the most of my away time. I'm fortunate enough to have a wonderful place to stay whenever visiting Florida. For me, vacation is about adventure and exploration. Take the time to look around you; it's amazing what you can find.
One place few people consider for an adventure is their own back yard. You don't need to go some place exotic to find wonderful things. Most people live their entire life without knowing about the interesting history that surrounds them.
Having grown up with the Goonies and living in a house with a small forest in the backyard created a catalyst for exploration. The great stories are endless. My immense intrigue of discovery is still present. Being a little older provides you a greater appreciation for what you might discover and the historical context.
During the last two days in Florida I've made several interesting discoveries. From a nearby 1715 Spanish treasure shipwreck to a hundred and fifty year old military fort. The beach that I run on was once used to train for the D-Day invasion and considered the birthplace of the Navy SEAL. All of these historical landmarks are within two miles of where I'm staying. Yet, most people who live here have no idea of their existence.
You probably have some treasures waiting to be uncovered in your area. Engage in some local history research at your library or online. Just make sure you have permission to visit historical sites. Some sites are on private property. If something a little more modern is up your alley consider Geocaching. It involves modern day GPS technology, the outdoors, and treasure hunting. It's a blast!
With the Holidays upon us, everyone should take some time to have fun.
Additional Resources:
- Geocaching
- Little Known and Abandon Airfields (United States)
- Nike Missile Sites (NYC & NJ Area)
- Weird New Jersey
- Infiltration