The 125+ million USD online event
The Negative Impact of Executing Your Event

Beware all sources of event promotion advice, including this one!

Here's a recent client marketing calamity. Significant marketing issues were discovered during an on-boarding process for a new client.

Over a period of eight years, client "X" invested over one hundred thousand dollars in marketing and advertising services. The client's investment generated over a million dollars in event ticket revenue. Even better, the client built a house marketing list of almost 40,000 prospects and customers from around the world.

Then, the client's Board of Directors decided to take marketing guidance from another source.

What happened? The new marketing "expert" insisted on double opt-in in the client's existing marketing list. The "expert" insisted that the client's marketing list wasn't in compliance with Internet marketing laws (CAN-SPAM, CASL, GDPR, etc.). Short version, the client's marketing list of 40,000 was whittled down to less than 10,000.

Where's the rub?

The "expert" who insisted on double opting in the client's email list, NEVER bothered to check if the client previously obtained express consent and/or double opted-in their marketing list. Most of the client's list was already in compliance! (A majority of the people on the client's marketing list had already given express marketing consent and already double opted-in.)

As the youths say, "epic fail!"

Why the above sentiment?

Because in almost every client project spanning the last 11 years, way too much time and money have been used to "un-bork" client advertising and marketing decisions.

So we're crystal clear, I'm NOT blaming clients. Before working with them, my clients paid professional marketers, ad agencies, and consultants to help them market their events. And most logical people would think, if you're paying a professional firm significant sums of money, they'll give you expert advice. Rarely is that the case.

If I'm going to rail on an issue, I'll provide a strong recommendation. And here you have it.

It is imperative to be a healthy skeptic regarding any marketing and advertising advice given to you. Especially information where you invest your hard-earned money.

Yes, I'm even willing to put my advice "under a microscope!" This includes any suggestion you might receive from daily emails, training, books, and products.

Don't hire another person who cannot quantify their marketing or advertising results to dollar signs in bank accounts. You're welcome to use the line, "we are only willing to pay for results!"

Additionally, conduct a thorough reference check for every marketing professional, paid, or unpaid. This reference check should be conducted via telephone with at least three references. While on the phone with references, inquire about results.

It's your hard-earned money. Please make sure you're doing your due diligence. Unfortunately, most event organizers are not!