Digging a "mine" right below your feet
Bucking the system, regardless of circumstance

Why the Pros go "BIG" to advertise

Last year, a friend was frustrated while fiddling with his mobile device. He was frantically tapping at his smartphone. When I asked him what he was doing, his response, "I'm trying to manage my Facebook advertising campaign."

This recommendation is straightforward. If you're managing any sort of online advertising or marketing, use a desktop computer (or laptop with an external monitor) and a mouse. The advantages of using a large monitor and mouse, go well beyond convenience.

Because mobile devices have such small screens, most mobile advertising management applications lack the features found on traditional desktop operating systems (Mac OS, Linux, and Windows).

In short, there simply isn't the screen real estate to display all the features. Which was the case with my mobile phone using friend from above.

A friend who manages up to $30,000 USD of online advertising uses multiple monitors and a desktop computer. At times my friend oversees up to half a million dollars of online advertising monthly. When that much money is on the line, he couldn't imagine trying to manage client campaigns from his smartphone or a table.

Depending on the size of your event, not everyone can justify purchasing multiple monitors. At a minimum, please make sure you manage any advertising and marketing projects with the largest monitor possible, or at least a laptop and a mouse.

When dollars are on the line, be sure to go big (smartly)!

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