A broken hub and bent spokes
Have you heard of the "hub and spoke" model? Truth be told, I'm not exactly sure who came up with the original concept. If I'm not mistaken, the model dates back to the airline industry in the 1950s.
For those not familiar with the hub and spoke model, here's an overly simplistic analogy. Think about a bicycle wheel. You have a central hub with radiating spokes. The spokes and hub are the support mechanism of the wheel. Federal Express adopted the hub and spoke model and look how that turned out!
Interestingly enough, another group of people took the hub and spoke model and applied it to marketing. Each spoke represents a different form of marketing or advertising. All of those spokes lead back to a central hub.
In today's world, the spokes can represent all your social media, traditional media, and online media channels. The central hub is your event website. Your goal should be to get all interested people back to your event website. It's where you control 100% of the message and the data!
Unfortunately, the hub and spoke marketing model gets broken by most event organizers. The breaking happens in two prominent places.
The first place is by not having every piece of your marketing and advertising lead back to your event website. It isn't enough to prominently display your web address. You need to give people a very compelling reason to remember your web address or click on a link to your event website.
Number two is a bit counter-intuitive. When they're on your event website, you want to keep them on your website and give them a good reason to return. Thus, I don't recommend social media icons on your website. Why not? Because that leads people away from what you have to offer. Likes, Shares, and Comments belong to social media companies, plus the all-important user data.
Remember to use all those advertising and marketing spokes to drive people to your event web site. Once they're on your site get them to BLANK or BLANK. Doing so will ensure your success and the longevity of your event.
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