Please stop doing random "poop"
I'd use the proper word in the subject line, but the SPAM filters freak out. I digress ...
Today, I spoke with two event organizers over the telephone. My calls included research on selling raffle tickets. What I discovered was fascinating!
Each event sells a $100 USD raffle ticket, and both are non-profits.
One event organizer has made the decision to stop selling $100 USD raffle tickets at their event. Their reasoning is "it is too much work." Apparently, for months of work, they are only able to sell around 500 tickets. The raffle drawing takes place at their event in June.
On the 500 tickets, the organization makes $25K USD, and one lucky winner gets $25K. Financially, that seems like a great deal. Yet, it's a struggle to sell tickets.
Enter into the equation event organizer number two. They also sell a $100 raffle ticket. Their raffle drawing takes place in July. You have a 1 in 32 chance of winning something. And a 1 in 2000 chance of winning $50,000. As of today, organization number two has sold over 1,850 tickets. Their drawing is in July. Only 150 tickets are left to purchase.
How can one organization be approaching a sell-out and the other struggle to sell 50 raffle tickets?
One event has a system in place to sell raffle tickets, and the other does not. This takeaway goes well beyond raffle tickets. You can apply the analogy to admission tickets to your event.
Roman Yako, who I reference in my books and emails, once had a client say, "I use to do random $hit, now a have a system to follow." Things are very different for Roman's client. They use predefined processes, and their marketing results are measured. The same should be applied to any event!
If you don't have a system in place for your event, you're probably doing a lot of random $hit.
I have yet to find a single successful event organizer that does not use a system. (If you know of one, I'm all ears!)
In the upcoming Event Profit Report, we'll be diving into a proven marketing method to generate red-hot leads for your event 365/24/7, even while you sleep. It is, hands-down, one of my most powerful tools. Skyrocket your advance ticket sales by becoming a subscriber.
Image above: a broken cannon and cannon balls atop the Acropolis
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