Always Do This - Before Redesigning Your Event Website
Huge Event Promotion Mistake: Not Intentionally Creating a Sense of Immediate Buying Urgency

Using Email Marketing to Drive Your Advance Ticket Sales

by Eugene Loj

Allow me to be direct ... Most event organizers/event marketers are clueless on how to run an effective email marketing campaign. What starts as well intentioned communication, turns into a SPAM fest (per their own list subscribers). SPAM is the main reason so many people are hesitant to give you their first name and email. Unfortunately, these factors make it very difficult for the well intentioned event organizer. There is hope!

How would you like to be in the minority of people who do email marketing - profitably and with the admiration of their list?

Watch the quick video below. It addresses what might be the most important component in keeping your list subscribers happy ...

How to Market Your Event with Email and Avoid Being a SPAMMER!


How Your Prospects/ Customers Want to Receive Their Marketing
Emarketer.com_Preferred_MethodThe image to the right, was posted by Drayton Bird on his Facebook page (original source: It illustrates a very important point ... "Preferred Method for Receiving Marketing Materials."

Based on years of my own testing and tracking, the survey results are spot on! My clients have seen huge advance ticket sales, as a direct result of email marketing.

In relation to my clients, email marketing obliterates every other form of traditional advertising ... In some cases, email marketing beats every form of traditional marketing combined! Sound too fantastic to be true? Please contact me and I can show you irrefutable evidence. More importantly, the evidence will forever change how you market your next event!

Here's one more imperative element to your email marketing ...

Test & Then Test Again
I'm confident on the advice given, but ... I will concede there might be some variation across different markets. So here's a simple question you need to ask yourself, "which marketing channel is driving the most advance ticket sales?" The only way to find an answer is to test, and then test again!

Additional Email Event Marketing Resources
Below are some additional email event marketing articles on how you can be a great email marketer for your next event ...



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