How to Sell Out Your Event
The P.T. Barnum Way
One of the easiest ways to set the demand level for your event higher is by hyping your event. The suggestion is straight from the playbook of P.T. Barnum. You’re event marketing should never be humdrum. You need to inject excitement and intrigue into all your event marketing and promotion. Get the target market so excited for your event that they're running to get their wallets and buy from you.
Let me give you a quick example from the air show industry. Which of the following event headlines is more likely to catch an air show prospect’s attention?
Don’t Make Your Event Sound Boring
How excited would you be to attend a BORING event? Too many event organizers promote and market their events in a boring manner. Don’t make the same mistake. Whenever you market or advertise your event, make it sound intriguing and exciting to your target market. I can’t remember who said it, but “the greatest sin in advertising is being boring.” Get your prospect to say to themselves “I want to do that!” If you're event organizer or planner, focus on your target market's wants and desires.
Balancing Event Marketing Hype & Delivering on the Promise!
If you’re really going to hype your event, the level of hype can’t be greater than your patron’s expectations or the level of service you can deliver. Over hyping your event and under delivering is a guaranteed recipe for disaster. It is very important that you do everything possible to under promise and over deliver.
Hype & Exceeding the Patron’s Expectations
If you exceed your event attendee’s expectations, regardless of the level of hype, the demand level for your event can go through the roof. Just one happy event attendee will tell a number of other people about their great experience at your event. It's word of mouth advertising and it costs you nothing!
One Man = $17,500.00 in Advance Ticket Sales
Last weekend a Toronto businessman paid $175.00 to get access to an exclusive VIP Chalet at a FREE air show. The $175 dollars he and others paid got him access to a very nice chalet with open bar and all you can eat catered food. Before the air show finished the businessman was so satisfied with his experience that he inquired about purchasing 100 VIP tickets (at $175 each) for next year’s air show. That's $17,500 of advance ticket sales! The business man wasn't the only person to inquire about tickets for next year's air show. Since the show ended, more attendees have already offered to buy tickets for next year's air show and it's still a year away. If you can get people to your event and show them an amazing time, they'll line up in droves to come again.
Below you will find a small collection P.T. Barnum posts that will help you with hyping your event. There is at least one good idea waiting for you to use with your event. Please take the time to read through a few posts:
- P.T. Barnum on Advertising
- Barnum & Hyping Up Your Event
- Curiosity Advertising P.T. Barnum Style
- Your Event, Stories, and P.T. Barnum
- The World’s Best Event Promoter Is . . .
- Turn Your Event Into an Experience
- Online Marketing Like P.T. Barnum
- More Marketing Like P.T. Barnum (Part II)
- Turn Your Event Into an Experience
- How to Get Them To Your Event
- Why Well Planned Events Fail
- Getting Them to Buy Tickets Early
- Leveraging Your Sponsor's Digital Resources
- The Event Promotion System
Get Your Free Event Promotion & Marketing Video Training
Thanks for the comment! Let us know how things worked out for you.
All the Best,
- Eugene
Posted by: Eugene Loj | 02/13/2012 at 09:31
Thanks a lot for this post. I am promoting my first ever event and I'm doing lots of research to advertise it effectively. This article enlightened me, since I will now offer Advanced Ticket Sales as a promotional tool to sell tickets quickly. Thanks again.
Posted by: Gabriello Pitman | 02/11/2012 at 23:27
Great tips. I always found one the the best ways to sell tickets is to give out promotional products.
Posted by: promotional products | 03/24/2010 at 10:25
Great post, Eugene, packed with valuable information and extremely relevant links!
Thanks for sharing your expertise!
To your continued success,
Christine Elisabeth von Malsen Hueber
Your Marketing & Business Management Solutions Expert
+1 530.582.8091
Posted by: Christine Elisabeth von Malsen Hueber | 09/11/2009 at 16:18