When Do I Start Promoting My Event?
Sage Economic Advice for Desperate Times

The World’s Best Event Promoter Is . . .


When it comes to marketing or promoting an event, there is one person best suited for the job.  In almost all circumstances, it’s you.  If you’re organizing an event, you probably know more about your event than anyone else. You also possess one attribute that others on your team might share with you. That unique attribute is an unbridled passion for your event. Most event organizers plan to the ‘Nth degree when it comes to executing an event. At the same time they usually under plan and under execute when it comes to marketing their event. The end result is a perfectly planned event that nobody attends. I strongly encourage you to look over the post “Why Well Planned Events Fail . . .

The Right Passion and Marketing Mix
Possessing a high degree of passion isn’t enough to get people to come to your event. Have you ever seen some of the contestants on American Idol who think they have what it takes? Those same people get up to audition and they’re signing is atrocious. I call it American Idol Syndrome, lots of passion and no talent. Don’t be like that! You need to couple your passion with sound marketing principles.  You need to know how and why marketing works. The best marketers have a tremendous amount of experience. They also know the intrinsic needs of their target market.  If you feel like you need to polish your marketing skills you can do it for free. Go to your local book story, library, or Amazon.com and check out top rated marketing books. Check out “Get a Free College Education” for more details.

Hiring Out Event Promoters
Even if you hire someone out to market or promote your event, you should have a better than average understanding of marketing.  Be highly selective in your choice of people to market your event. Find someone you can trust implicitly and who has a proven track record.  Make sure you personally check their references. After you’ve hired someone, give your event promoter your goals and expectations then let them loose. If you’re going to micromanage someone, you’re better off not hiring them.

The one person who sums up all of the above is P.T. Barnum. His skills in both event promotion and event organization were extremely high.  If you’re looking to emulate someone, Barnum is a superb model. A simple Google search will unearth a bevy of some of his strategies you can start using today. I’ve included some links below as additional resources.

Want to get more great info? Check out the articles below:


Shaun Kruse

Congratulations - this is my kind of web site. - Shaun

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