The Danger of Too Much Event Marketing Technology
When Do I Start Promoting My Event?

A Great Event Marketing & Promotion Idea

Event_Presentation_Idea Have you ever faced the dilemma of having too much content for your conference, seminar, or workshop? Over the last few weeks I’ve been working with a not for profit organization to try and build some anticipation for their upcoming annual conference. Each year the organization brings in a number of speakers for various educational sessions. This year the organization has too many speakers for their allotted program slots. The situation is frustrating because all of the speakers have valuable information to share. What if you could feature a great speaker for your event without taking up a valuable time slots at your event?

Feature Your Speakers Before Your Event
If you can’t support speakers at your event, consider featuring them before your event. You could take your extra speakers and have them prepare materials to present before your event. This can be done through a virtual presentation. It’s never been easier to create virtual presentations.  A program that I recommend is Camtasia Studio.  It allows anyone to take a PowerPoint presentation and turn it into an easy to access computer file, complete with audio and video.  You could also use a program like GoToMeeting or GoToWebinar to present a live teleseminar before the event. Maybe you want to consider doing a series of teleseminars. The ‘GoTo’ family of products allow you to do audio and video presentations live.  The participants just need a telephone and high speed internet connection. The above idea falls into the concept of front loading event value.

Do the Simple Stuff
Don’t want to do something as involved as the above suggestions? Ask your prospective speakers to prepare an audio program or downloadable PDF report. Focus on getting people excited before they even show up to your event. The best way to do this is by sharing information that's valuable to your target market. Just make sure that the information you share beforehand isn’t better than what you’re going to have at your event. Don’t get too caught up in the ‘cool’ technology. Useful is always better than cool.

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