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Keep Your Event Promotion Emails Relevant and Understandable

The biggest delineator in a successful event marketing or promotional email campaign isn’t the graphics, but the content. The content in almost every instance takes the form of words, either spoken or typically written. People crave information that’s relevant to them and written in terms that they can understand.

On Long Copy
Have you ever seen a really long email and thought to yourself, “I’d never read that, there are too many words!” Plenty of my business associates have made similar comments on some of my event marketing emails. They say things like “there are too many words to read and it’s not visually appealing.” The irony is that the same people will sit down and diligently read 750+ pages of a Harry Potter novel. Keep in mind there are no graphics or fancy layout in a Harry Potter novel, just black text on a piece of paper. 

If the copy is compelling and relevant to the reader, people will take the time to read it, even if it’s 750+ pages. As one copywriter said, “get into their ego, not yours.” Constantly ask yourself, are you writing to the reader’s interest? If the information is irrelevant to the reader, it doesn’t matter how short or long the copy. Brad Antin says it best, “readers won’t let you bore them with print.”

The Words You Use

Aside from choosing a relevant topic of choice, the best way to engage the prospect is by writing to your reader in a very conversational manner.  Use the words that the reader can easily understand when you write, even if those words lack sophistication.

Go and take a look at almost any business web site on the Internet. Businesses love to use words that are sophisticated and make THEM look good. People don’t care about that. That is a big reason why so many businesses struggle online. Your target market wants to know what you’re going to do for them in words they easily understand.  I don’t want to get out a thesaurus to understand a company’s marketing message. When producing any form of marketing or promotional copy for your event, write in simple words that your target market can understand.

Your promotional and marketing emails are going to be far more effective if you write to your target market’s interests and in words they understand.

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