Event Promotion Idea: Text Messaging
Outdoor Event Advertising and Marketing

Sky High Event Promotion

There are so many forms of advertising that it’s difficult to find just one that really stands out. I believe one truly unique form of advertising is aerial banner advertising.  What makes aerial banner advertising so unique is there isn’t much advertising competition in the sky. It’s rare to see aerial advertising and not have someone nearby say out loud “Look at that!” Most people will at least read what’s on the banner.

Big Letters
One of my favorite things about aerial banner advertising is the format, big type letters. Those big letters make aerial banner advertising a great format to advertise web addresses. I firmly believe that the single greatest piece of advertising information you want people to remember is your web address.

Easy to Remember
It is imperative that you make your address is easy to remember. You might want to consider using an alternate domain name just for advertising purposes. Some domain names are either too long or very difficult to remember. Can you create an alternate domain name,just for advertising, that is short and easy to remember?

I don’t have any case studies pointing to the effectiveness of banner advertising. As technology progresses more people are getting cell phones with mobile web access. If you catch their attention they could be on your web site in a matter of moments.

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