What You See ISN'T Always What You Get . . .
When it comes to web usability there are number of methods and techniques used to ensure that a web site is easy to use and understand. One particular area of usability is ensuring web site compatibility with the greatest number of computers possible. Software developers have created features for web development applications to aid developers in creating compatible web sites. Two of the most popular web design applications, Dreamweaver and Frontpage, are considered WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get). What you see while programming the page is suppose to be close to what you should get after the web site is posted on a server. In additional to the WYSIWYG environment most web development software has a preview function. The preview function allows web site creators to view a page on their local machine in the web browser of their choice. For all the technology in place to assist web designers in creating compatible web sites something always goes awry.
It Looks Different on This Computer
One of the biggest “Doh!” moments is when you check your web site online and see something completely different than what was tested on your local machine. This happens regularly to the best developers on Earth. Most web developers could write books on the horror stories associated with “I previewed the page before I posted it to the server.”
The Ultimate Test
Regardless of how sure you are that a web page is programmed correctly, you always need to test and test relentlessly. The ultimate test of a web site’s compatibility should be when a web site is uploaded to a server. You should never consider what you see on your own computer an accurate representation of a given web. Always test from the server that is going to be hosting your web page. Below you’ll find a brief list of checks you can perform to ensure compatibility.
Simple Web Site Compatibility Checks:
- Check your web site in multiple browsers.
- Check your web site in browsers a few releases behind.
- Check your web site on multiple platforms (Mac, PC, Unix).
- Clear your browser cache before checking an updated web site.
- Is the design broken or inconsistent?
- Does all the critical functionality work (Forms, E-comm, Interactive Elements)?
Always double check your web site, as often as possible, but at least once every few days. The most important time to check is immediately after a page has been updated.
A Dose of Usable Reality
One common piece of usability advice is testing a few browser versions behind the current release. The reality of the situation is that you can be vigilant in checking your web site in previous browser versions but that isn’t enough. Users bare a certain level of responsibility in ensuring their browsers are up to date.
The mobile revolution is also making things increasingly difficult from a compatibility and accessibility aspect. Developing a web site for a typical user versus a mobile user is a distinct discipline. Each version of the web site is different for individual platforms.
Web site compatibility is important to strive for, but often difficult to achieve. You can reasonably ensure web site compatibility by testing for proper functionality and testing often!
Want to get more great info? Check out the articles below:
- What is Web Usability? And Why You Should Care . . .
- Web Usability: The Importance of Balancing Content and Graphic Design
- Hitting a HOME RUN with Your Web Site
- Don’t Pollute Your Web Site
- Do You Make These Usability Mistakes?
- Objectivity Paves the Way to Online Success
- LCU (Least Competent User) Usability Testing
- Web Usability - ALERT! Dominant Users and Focus Groups
- The Event Promotion System
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Very interesting article. Thanks!
Posted by: SEO Elite Fan | 06/03/2007 at 04:09