Why Think Globally?
When thinking of user demographics how often do we think globally? A quick look into an established web site’s log files can provide you with a tremendous amount of information. A web site allows anyone to push the confines of geography. Anyone in the world can become a potential customer. Knowing that the Earth is a global market place is quintessential to almost every web site.
Where to Start
The first place to start is with a frame of reference. We’re all creatures of habit. If a familiar market place is local in nature we tend to think locally. The easiest way to start thinking globally is to put yourself into a foreigner’s frame of reference. Assume that a particular person reads your (web site, email, brochure, sales letter) and is fluent in the language used. Do they know your location?
One client sends out an electronic newsletter on a regular basis. One particular newsletter was for a workshop announcement. An interested participant responded from out of state wishing to participate not knowing the workshop was being held locally. Always make sure to include details such as full address, plus telephone numbers with area codes and country codes.
Geographic Search Engine Optimization
The same methodology can be applied for search. Ask yourself, are you listed properly in a geographical context? I reside in Rochester, New York. If an Internet user were to enter the search phrase: “Rochester Restaurant,” is that person searching for a “Restaurant” in “Rochester,” New York, Minnesota, New Hampshire, or United Kingdom?
The Internet gets new people every day. Presenting the user with finer details can help you better focus your message and marketing efforts. Remember your users could be coming from anywhere in the world. Plan accordingly.
Want to get more great info? Check out the articles below:
- What is Web Usability? And Why You Should Care . . .
- Web Usability: The Importance of Balancing Content and Graphic Design
- Hitting a HOME RUN with Your Web Site
- Don’t Pollute Your Web Site
- Do You Make These Usability Mistakes?
- Objectivity Paves the Way to Online Success
- LCU (Least Competent User) Usability Testing
- Web Usability - ALERT! Dominant Users and Focus Groups
- The Event Promotion System
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