Who Else Wants Great Clients?
Aaron Wall of SEOBook.com was good enough to give me a few minutes of his time today. I called him up to ask about some of the challenges associated with Internet consulting, specifically as it relates to selecting the right clients. There are a number of people I know who have been on roller coaster rides with clients, myself included. The advice Aaron passes along is a fresh take on things and helps refocus on the possibilities the Internet has to offer.
Here is a summary of some of the helpful advice he passed along with some of my interjected anecdotes:
Be Highly Selective of Your Clients You can solve 90% of you client frustration problems by being highly selective of clients. Match yourself and your services with companies who are a good fit. Your interaction with another company or client is two way street. Too many people focus on money they might get as opposed to the opportunity. If you end up with a difficult client it can take the wind right out of your sails and you work will likely suffer. Aaron said he has been fortunate enough to work with some really good clients by virtue of being very selective. The better the client the more you can accomplish together.
Brain Tracy has a great quote when it comes to selecting the right clients “Fish for Whales, not minnows. Remember that if you catch 1,000 minnows, all you have is a bucketful of fish. But if you catch a single whale, you will pay for the whole voyage.”
Develop Passive Revenue Streams
Aaron points out that it is easier to be more selective of clients if you aren’t worrying about money. The Internet is full of opportunity, but you need to act upon it. Aaron has created a great ebook that you pay for and can instantly download. It contains a plethora of helpful information on Search Engine Optimization and is being constantly being updated. His book establishes him as an expert and generates leads every day.
Abundance Mentality
The Abundance Mentality goes beyond just being positive in everything thing you do. You need to realize that there is more than enough of anything to go around. Focus on the infinite possibilities the Internet has to offer. Stay focused on your goals, but don’t be greedy. You can’t get anywhere online without the help and support of others.
Provide People with Value
Give away great information with everything you do. In his SEOBook, Aaron mentions the impact of his Blog in helping him sell his ebook "there is probably about a 99% chance you would have never bought this e-book if I did not write the associated blog.” Years ago one of my business mentors gave me the advice to give away as much free information as possible. At the time I really didn’t think this was the best course of action. Today I’ve changed my mentality. The more you give away the more you get back.
To find out more about Aaron Wall and Search Engine Optimization, visit his web site at SEOBook.com.
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