2006 Blog Highlights
Don't Quit Your Day Job Just Yet

Building Trust and Credibility with Follow Up

I'd like to greet everyone across the World with the New Year!  There has never been a better time where those who desire success can make their dreams reality. Here is wishing you prosperity in the business year ahead.

How many times have you heard this saying: "The Fortune is in the Follow Up"?   The Internet makes this piece of business wisdom even more true.  Those that use this adage stack the deck in their favor.  It is simple to implement, yet so many people find it simple to ignore. 

As I've mentioned before; one of the top factors for people choosing to do business with you is trust and credibility.  Would you buy a product from someone you didn't trust?  Those people who do a great job in following up with their leads build trust.  It isn't instantaneous, but takes time.  If you make the time to understand this important portion of the business game, you're well on your way to being successful.

One great way to follow up with your prospects is via an autoresponder.  My description is very simplistic.  People write entire books just on this subject.  In short, autoresponders allow you to keep a database of customers or perspective customers.  People sign up at your web site with their email and their contact information gets stored in a database.  This process is the essence of permission based marketing. 

The really keen individuals use autoresponders to obtain target market leads. People aren't going to willfully sign up to a list that is of no value to them. The first step a web site owner takes after someone signs up to their mailing list is to confirm a user's decision to join the mailing list.  After their willingness to participate is verified, a series of high quality emails are sent to list recipients.  Verification helps you establish that your email isn't considered SPAM.  This process is a great way to build trust and credibility over time.

If you choose not to use an autoresponder you can still send information via email.  You can follow the suggestions outlined above and below.

Some quick points to remember:

  • Provide your confirmed mailing list with high quality information.  This will assist you in positioning yourself as an expert and build trust.  Free is great!
  • If you are using email instead of an autoresponder, don't send emails BCC or CC'd. Each email should be sent to people individually.
  • Make sure your emails don't look like they're cookie cutter.  People are very smart on picking out bogus email. Keep your message sincere and personalized.
  • Subject lines dictate if many emails even get opened.  Keep your subject line interested and to the point.

These points are only a fraction of what you really need to know.  Remember to follow up with everyone.  Even if it doesn't result in an immediate sale, you might be successful at a later time.  People are much more apt to buy from those they trust!


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