Discovering Web Site Ideas
I am a big advocate of everyone having their own web site. It doesn't even need to be something business based. But if you are thinking of a business idea, web sites are a great place to start. You can have a web site to share photos or create a Blog to get great information to the masses. One of the top challenges everyone faces at the beginning is: "What should my web site be about?"
One of my business mentors gave a very simple concept for generating great business ideas. His concept can easily be adapted to generate web site ideas. Get a piece of paper or a notebook and write "What can I teach someone?" across the top. Some people can instantaneously create a list and others take their time. Put that question in the back of your brain for a day or two. As you begin to think of ideas write them down on the piece of paper or notebook containing the question. As soon as your brain kicks in it is amazing what you can get down on paper.
Your ideas should be something you a passionate about. People who really enjoy their field of work are passionate about what they do. This includes people who are highly successful in business and on the web.
I used this approach in a slightly different manner when I started this Blog. There were a few ideas floating around my brain in terms of article topics, but not many. I found a piece of paper and wrote "What can I write about in my Blog?" across the top. In between workout sets at the gym I'd write down a few article ideas. By the end of my workout I had over 60 article topics.
Regardless of how good your web site ideas are, look carefully at the market you are going to tackle. You should always do a little homework on the competition of the market and saturation levels. If it is a broad market look toward a niche market.
Though this is a very simplistic approach it really does help to get your brain energized. Writing the question and answers down on paper is very important. The last caveat is as follows: Ideas are nothing unless they are acted upon. Go out and have some fun!
Want to get more great info? Check out the articles below:
- Paying and Learning to Be Successful Online
- There Is No Perfect Web Strategy
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Hi Eugene,
Noel here, I picked up your post through Google Alerts. I can’t say I get to the gym much but I do find long walks help ideas bubble to the suface, anyway last year I wrote a 70 page eBook titled “Ideas for Websites”, and I’m currently giving away 10 pages as a free download. If you or your readers are interested please stop by...
All the best,
Noel Byrne
Posted by: Noel Byrne | 01/08/2007 at 12:30