The Billboard Test and Beyond
Hitting a HOME RUN with Your Web Site

Web Centric Marketing and Marketing Leverage

The Ultimate Marketing Tool
I always find myself in a debate when I tell others that "Your web site is your most important marketing tool." That is a bold statement, and I believe it to be true.

Today, it is fairly rare to see or hear an advertisement that does not include a web site address. Is it easier to remember all the information that was given to you over the radio in 30 seconds or a simple web address?

No Commercial Interruptions
Remember, when people visit your web site their attention is focused 100% on you. There are no commercials to interrupt the "program," and most likely, they have chosen to view your site by choice. In radio and television, you are typically limited to a quick 30 to 60 second blurb.  Web sites are presented for the convenience of the user, not the convenience of the broadcaster.

Another advantage of your web site is that it is located in one place, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It is available for anyone to view across the world 365 days a year.

Compare your web site to print advertising. If a piece of collateral material requires a change, you might run into significant revision costs. In most instances your online information only needs to be updated once and in only one place. Your web site also provides you with the ability to circulate information digitally. In some cases, this can save you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars annually on printing costs.

Traditional Advertising Is Still Important
But, don't forget that traditional advertising is still an important part of your marketing. Make sure you prominently display your web site address, so you customers always remember your address. You can have the greatest web site in the world. But if people don’t know the address, it is of little use to interested users.

Your web site is also a valuable customer service tool. It allows you to quickly collect feedback and respond in short order via email or other online tools.

Balance Online With Traditional Marketing
Web sites offer you a tremendous competitive advantage over traditional advertising
in both cost and the ability to update almost instantaneously.  Make sure you are maximizing your marketing through your web site. For all the advantages the web can offer, you still need to effectively and efficiently utilize traditional media to build awareness of your company and your web site.


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